Our story

As the oldest HCI degree program in Germany, the international Master’s program in Human Computer Interaction at the University of Siegen offers an exciting spectrum of interdisciplinary topics and research fields. As diverse and varied as the topics and research projects are the students and staff, who all have different academic backgrounds and come from all across the world.

Unteres Schloss

The main part of the university is situated on the Haardter Berg hill just outside town. Nevertheless, our faculty is now located in the middle of the city, in the new „Unteres Schloss“ campus. That way student life is enriched by many bars, pubs and restaurants. The bus and train stations, as well, can be reached in less than ten minutes on foot.

The new Hörsaalzentrum am Unteren Schloss which was opened in 2022 and is located directly at the residential palace will be the place where most of the HCI lectures will take place.

Activities in Siegen

  • Urban gardening
  • Hackspace
  • Autonomous theatre group
  •  BarCamp
  • FabLab Siegen